It takes 100. One to actually change the bulb, but 99 to stand around talking about how great the new light is.
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
How many elders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
by mynameislame injust one but he has to be constantly ready to replace it at a moments notice..
The Last BOE!
by Atlantis inthis is the last boe we will be able to provide.
our informant or source, was caught, disfellowshipped, and thrown out of bethel.
we knew that sooner or later the watchtower would find him out.
under the radar
So sorry to hear about your friend. He certainly showed his courage many times over. I wish him well. I'm sure most everyone here would love to hear his story if and when he feels he would like to share it.
Although some of the BOE's were quite innocuous, others were quite enlightening as to what is really going on in the upper echelons of the Society. I'm sure some in my family will be dancing a jig once they realize I will no longer have "Theocratic" information, including documentation, long before they do. Due to your and your informant's work, I knew several important things before my brother-in-law, an elder, had heard of them.
Please keep us posted on his situation and let him know that many here appreciate all his efforts. I wish we had some sort of medal to give him.
My Window Cleaner
by happy@last inmy window cleaner is a jw and as i am always working when he comes to my house i haven't seen him or spoken to him in years.
the other day i was in my local town and went into a cafe for some lunch.
who is sitting there but my window cleaner and his wife.
under the radar
Just my 2 cents worth, but if you had a standing agreement that he could clean the windows whenever it was needed and he performed the service, then I think you owe him the money. But... if he came by and cleaned the windows on his own without a prior arrangement, you owe him nothing. If they actually needed cleaning and he did a good job, then you may want to pay him anyway out of a sense of fairness and to show him that "apostates" are not "evil." But there would absolutley be nothing wrong with your "canning" him because of his attitude towards you. You don't have to do business with anyone who disdains or disrespects you personally.
He Wants To Help Me
by LouBelle inso i just happened to bump into an elder today.
a guy my age that i used to know.
i was having a quick breakfast.
under the radar
Hey LouBelle! IF you decide to talk with this guy, bringing up the incomprehensible idea of overlapping generations is a good starting point. They changed 100 years of teaching with one little word, "apparently", in one paragraph of a regular weekly Watchtower Study. There really no justification or basis for this interpretation except they had to do something to extend "this generation" because the actual 1914 generation was rapidly dying out. They're grasping at straws.
One thing you might want to consider: according to officlal JW policy, lone elders are not supposed to be counseling "sisters" without at least one other elder present. Is it possible that this elder wants to "help" you because he's looking for an opportunity to get more "personal" if you spend time alone talking about things and you drop your guard? In other words, is it possible that he considers you "easy pickings" because you are now "worldly"? Some of these creeps make wild assumptions and would not hesitate to take advantage of a situation if they thought they could get away with it. Just sayin'...
I know you're a big girl and can well take care of yourself. You've proved that several times over. I just wanted to give you a heads up that there are wolves out there in elders' clothing.
Give 'em hell, girl!
My Mom is in the hospital
by JeffT inmy mother broke her hip last week.
she had an emergency partial replacement surgery friday night.
we don't know how she did it as we have caregivers with her at all times, she may have fallen while in the bathroom for a few minutes.
under the radar
So sorry to hear about that, JeffT. I hope your mom makes a speedy recovery. Hang in there...
I'm not trying to brag, but being an EXJW is awesome!!! Status Update-
by Coffee House Girl inhello jwn!
i don't get to check in here or comment as often as i would like because i have been working so hard at school...but i just have to share my news in hopes that newbees can see that taking the leap to enroll in higher education is worth it-.
i am graduating this spring with a bachelor degree in art history, minor anthropology...many people (including nonjw's have given me flack for choosing a "dead end" career path) but since leaving the watchtower organization's group-think mentality and "leaning on my own understanding" instead... i decided to say fuck everyone else's opinion...i am going to pursue my passion to work in a museum as a curator or archivist-.
under the radar
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have every right to be proud. I don't think you're bragging at all. Like someone else said, you're just rejoicing. And it's well justified. You go, girl!
I did it !!!!
by snare&racket in7 years ago i started on a path i had long ago given up on as impossible.
i met with my elders and told them i could not justify carrying on as a jw.
i went and got my high school qualifications and my higher education diploma (a levels with distinction) in just 12 months.
under the radar
Well done, Dr. Snare!!!
Now, my friend's got this itch...
No more circuit assemblies
by justmeok ini heard from a reliable source that there will be no more 2 day assemblies, but instead 2 one days each year.
anyone heard this yet?
supposed to start new service year.
under the radar
I recall attending the New York International Conventions in 1958 and 1961(?) as a young child. Each day began with actual "sessions" at 9:00 am, after breakfast being served in big tents. There were long lines, but the cost was ridiculously low (about 35ยข) and the food was pretty good. The sessions ended about 9 at night. Everybody's brain was frazzled. I don't know what they were thinking when they decided to subject the "friends" to 8 days of unending indoctrination.
One thing I clearly remember about the 1958 convention. One of the speakers went on and on about how IF this old system lasted another 10 years, highly unlikely, then there were ONLY so many meetings till the end and how we couldn't afford to miss any. That was over 55 years ago. The Organization now bears little resemblance to the one back then. Almost every major belief has been changed. Now the whole thing is run by lawyers and bean counters. Everything is set up to protect the Organization and its assets. Reason, common sense, and humanity be damned.
I believe the field service thing was part of the conventions back in the 30's or 40's. Then they tried to revive it in the 70's. I don't recall it being a part of the 1958 or 1961 International Conventions. But hey, I was very young. Maybe I just don't remember it.
Why JWs would commit murder if ordered to by the GB
by kneehighmiah inpsychology class is teaching me so much.
it's a core class, as i want to study medicine or biochemistry eventually.
we were assigned to read about obedience.
under the radar
I doubt the Society would ever be so blatant as to directly suggest murdering anyone. But... it's not too much of a stretch to imagine that a JW only slightly more "off" than the norm might decide to kill a loved one who is going astray or maybe an apostate on the theory that "if they die before Armageddon they will be resurrected as one of the 'unrighteousness.' However, if they are destroyed at Armageddon, they will be dead forever. So the most loving thing would be to insure they at least have a chance at everlasting life."
So the "logic" goes... Sick! The sad part is that it's not that far-fetched. Especially with so many JWs (at least among the ones I know) showing signs of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Absolutely anything is possible when in the throes of a manic episode. I would bet dollars to donuts that this has actually happened in the past.
I'd be very careful being alone with fervent JWs who might actually buy into this theory.
Just when you thought we had heard the epitomy of stupid WT comments....
by Newly Enlightened inwe thought we had heard all the stupid things printed by watchtower thru the history.
this one takes the cake and gets the applause!!!.
under the radar
Don't forget an even earlier teaching that all "inferior" races would eventually morph into white. Hmmm... a paradise consisting ENTIRELY of adult white males. I happen to be one of those, but I can't imagine anything paradise-like about world filled with veritable clones of myself. For one thing, I love women way too much (one in particular, and exclusively as far as romance goes). A world without females and children would be no paradise for me. No thanks!
And that's not even deigning to address the implied inferiority of all races other than white.
Seriously, it's hard to believe they ever put out such tripe. Even worse, to my knowledge they have never officially retracted any of these wild and baseless ideas. They may claim this is just "old light" brought up to embarass them, but they've never formally repudiated any of it (as far as I know) so any embarassment is well-deserved and on point.